Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's day Big Daddy!!!!!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad! Will calls my Dad "Big Daddy" Isn't that the cutest? My sister and brother-in-law, Will and I took my dad to the eat BBQ today and had such a great visit. We don't spend near enough time together, but when we do, it's great.
This is a picture that we took 4 years ago on Christmas....
This is Will and Big Daddy last year
AND... to my husband.... Happy Father's Day babe! Will is so lucky to have you as his dad!
This is my favorite picture!

Bryan is giving the Father's Day message at Bay Area Fellowship this weekend and I am so excited! He was going over his message for me last night and...... Oh man is it good! If you are free this weekend, you should go check it out!


DeeDee said...

You are right! The message was awesome and inspiring. Thanks Fiscus family for all that you do for God's Kingdom. The Sharons are forever changed because of you guys!

DA Wagners said...

CA-UTE pics!!! Just to answer a few of your questions . . . we get great life jackets from Sam's Club (they are pretty cheap and good), and the Natatorium (361) 878-2337has great swimming lessons, and Portland has a great pool for kids. Visit, All the above equals summer fun!!!

~April said...


DeeDee said...

Yoohooooooo....I'm sure we have some vacation pics we can post...or a story about Will we can tell...or a closet we can clean out because we were inspired by our friend's blog... :)

Alene said...

Sorry I missed the shower last weekend. I heard it was awesome. I was stopping by to check in and LO and Behold NOTHING?? has happened since Father's Day. Hmmmm????? I miss your blogs. Love ya girl!