Friday, May 23, 2008

This and That

Been on the go constantly! Here are some random pics:

This was at Monica Carrion's graduation party. He looks like such a big boy here!

This was before Ace Bernal's first b-day.

Oh My, how we grew to LOVE mother's Day out. This was his last day of "school."
P.S.... We still do not have the results of his genetic blood test back. Should be coming in anytime.

My husband gets to preach on Father's Day at church.

Well, thats about it!


Alene said...

So proud of Bryan - he'll do a phenominal job! love ya, girl!

Christina Ketchum said...

Your boy is totally cute! I can't figure out if he looks like you or your hubby more- A perfect mix of both! I also really like that black/white pic of your hubby! That is so cool he is preaching on Father's Day! Since I live here in McAllen I will have to watch it online!

Tidden Tales said...

Will is getting so big, you got such a great little boy! And of course we can't wait to see Bryan preach again :)

DA Wagners said...

Wow! Your baby is a little toddler! I'm excited to hear Pastor Bryan preach! He is always enthralling!