Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My sweet Grandma

This is something that My family has been dealing with since April.
My sweet independent, fun loving, sharp as a tack 86 yr old gramdmother fell in her home back in April and could not get up. My dad called her several times throughout that day to check on her, but figured she was out and about. (She still drove) When he still did not get an answer that evening, he went to find her on the bathroom floor with her feet tangled up in her toilet seat. He drove her to the ER and she had a 2 week hospital stay. She has Osteoperosis and her spine has compression fractures in 3 different places. Well, with physical therapy and treatment for a UTI... she was able to go home to my dads house. Her house is too dangerous. Growing up in the great depression era, she saves EVERYTHING! You can't even walk through her house. Anywho...We got her an apartment in a senior community and quickly found out that she needs something more. she has fallen 4 times since going there and we have had to take her back to my dads. she needs constant care and we are just having to take shifts. Her falls have caused her spine to deteriorate more! It is so sad to see her in so much pain! I am guessing she feels like she is in labor 24 hrs a day. So sad. She is physically and mentally exhusted. She has a MRI today which will tell if she is a candidate for this procedure where they inject a foamy substance between the vertebrae and should give her some relief. Please pray for that! She thinks after this procedure she will be driving again. WOW! What faith! Although she will probably not drive again, I am praying that this procedure will releave her of pain and give her a break.It is so hard to know the steps to take when your parents or g-parents can't take care of themselves. We don't want to prematurely do anything (nursing home).She deserves more than that; however we all have jobs and kids and we can't afford to take more time off.We need assistance. Plus we want to have a good quality relationship with her in her final years. She also falls into the "middle man" bracket where she can't afford private care, yet makes too much for government assistance. Her insurance wont provide a provider! If anyone knows where we can get some affordable assistance, please let me know. There has got to be some hidden things out there that we just don't know about.


Susie said...

I wish I had some advice for you and your family Leslie. I am just going to pray someone does have the answers, and that our precious Lord gives her some back relief. My dad is going through difficulty with his parents right now, and I know how taxing it can be even with everyone helping out.

This Mommy Shops! said...

Hi Leslie. I can imagine the frustration and the sadness you feel. Before my dad died in early Jan of this year he was in and out of a lot of facilities and we came to learn that there is great prejudice with the elderly. They don't get the care they need and lots won't go out of their way because they figure "they are old and are going to die soon anyway". It sickens me that people even in the industry of caring for geriatrics think this way. I will say big prayers that something wonderful will work out for your grandma. Sounds like she has great will and with positive thinking you might be surprised with her healing process!!! Hang in there!!!

Sohl Gal said...

My advice is unrelated to her care. It's just that you ask her all the questions you can or think of each time you see her. My grandparents both passed away this year, and I didn't realize how much I'd miss them until they did. I was able with my G-pa, and have had to accept that my G-ma knew. I'll add her to my prayers, and pray for assistance to come soon.

Amanda's World said...

I am really sorry to hear about your grandma. I know thats hard to watch her go through this. I went through it with my dads mom and it was horrible. God will take care of her and help your family find care for her.

Christina Ketchum said...

I totally understand this situation. I worked as a social worker for Spohn on the ortho unit and ran into this situation a lot. This past January, I saw a presentation given my an Elder Attorney, Edwin Baker, and it was very informative. I lost all the information he gaves us but I remember he was totally awesome and very passionate about his job. Here is his address and phone #.

Baker & Baker, PC
5350 S. Staples St., Suite 106
Phone: (361) 985-2226
Fax: (361) 985-0642
E-mail: edwinbaker@hotmail.com

He said during his presentation that he would waive the consultation fee if a family was referred by a social worker. I emailed him to verify this and this was his response:

Yes. I will certainly waive the consultation fee. Be sure to tell these folks to let us know that you referred them to us. Thank you for having confidence in us. I will treat them right. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Ed Baker

Just let him know you were referred by Christina Ketchum, LCSW. Hopefully this helps. I will also keep you in my prayers.

Leslie said...

Thank you so much Chrissy! We actually have an appointment with him Tuesday! And good to know that he is awesome! I will give him your name and thank you for emailing him...... It will so help out! We are anxiously waiting to talk with him!
Thanks all of you for your kind words and understanding